Monday, September 26

The Curse of Cleveland Sports

If Cleveland Sports was a girl, you would have broken up with her already.

I was born in 1979, and I don't have any kind of championship that I can really speak to other than Ohio State beating Miami a couple years ago. And for the Geography-impaired, Columbus is about 1.5 hours drive-time from Cleveland. I would consider myself a fan and all, but it isn't the same thing as if a true professional sports team from Cleveland won a championship.

I just figured I would start the site with a bit of a post about what we are doing here. We are posting about Cleveland sports. We are not going to dwell on old memories all the time, but to ignore the history, would be to deny a great source of the love, rivalry, frustration, opimism, and longing feelings that will surround the posts and stories on this site.

Without further ado, I bring you


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